
[Uganda] “We Want to Do Great Things For the Youth!”

06.10.2016 20:35
  08/17/2016 Invitation by the Ugandan President and MOU Agreement with the Ministry of Education Regarding Mind Education Curriculum On August 6th, 2016, the second meeting between Pastor Ock Soo Park and the Ugandan President took place. The President and the First Lady (current Minister...

[Kenya] ‘Let Us Work Together for the Future of Kenya’ – The IYF with the Kenyan Government

06.10.2016 20:32
  08/12/2016 – Cooperation promised with the Kenyan Government Departments MOU Signed with Ministry of Sports, Culture and the Arts of Kenya On the 25th, Kenyan Youth Minister Kariuki attended the opening ceremony and delivered a congratulatory message; in the morning of the 26th and 27th,...

[Malawi] The Meeting of the President of Malawi and Pastor Ock Soo Park for Youth Education

06.10.2016 20:31
  08/09/2016 The President promises to support all IYF activities in Malawi The Youth Minister of Malawi who attended the Korea World Culture Camp and received salvation completely opened his heart towards the IYF. He delivered the personal letter that Pastor Ock Soo Park had written to the...

[World Camp] Former President of Benin, Dr Yayi Boni visits Korea.

06.10.2016 20:29
  07/17/2016 “The visit of the of the Former President, it seems like a dream!” Following the end of his term, after working devotedly for Benin for the past ten years, he visited Korea. The first meeting with the former president could be dated back to July 2013. At the time, President...

WCLW 03.07 - 14.07.2016 BEXCO, BUSAN, SÜDKOREA

13.07.2016 13:30
WCLW BEXCO, BUSAN, SÜDKOREA mit World Cultural Camp Performances & Special Bible Lecture (Bible Lecture from Good News Mission & IYF Founder, Pastor Ock Soo Park) 3rd WCLW Brochure, English 2016.pdf (2729062)  

Gracias Chor Christmas Cantata, Mainz Germany

01.05.2016 17:00

VIP-Empfang bei der Gracias Chor Christmas Cantata, Mainz Germany

01.05.2016 16:00
Zum VIP-Empfang sind Pastoren, Bürgermeister, Universitätspräsidenten sowie Hochschulleitungen eingeladen. Als VIP-Gast erhalten diese bei der Christmas Cantata Aufführung VIP-Sitzplätze. Beim Empfang der VIP-Gäste um 16 Uhr findet ein Treffen mit dem Chorgründer statt. Bitte...

Gracias Chor Konzert 28.04 - 29.04.2016

28.04.2016 19:00

WCLW (World Christian Leaders' Workshop) in Mainz mit Gracias Chor

28.04.2016 15:00
WCLW (World Christian Leaders' Workshop) in Mainz mit Gracias Chor (musikalisches Abendprogramm & Vortrag von Pastor Ock-Soo Park) Wann: 28.04. – 29.04.2016 Wo: Rheingoldhalle Mainz (Rheinstraße 66, 55116 Mainz) Wir laden Sie herzlich zu unserem „World Christian Leader´s Workshop“ ein. Sie...

Grußwort, Oberbürgermeister der Landeshauptstadt Mainz

13.04.2016 19:00

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